Saturday 8 October 2016



When God would create man He took care to prepare beforehand a lovely garden for his residence. Numerous trees of beautiful appearance, and covered with fruit pleasant to the taste, shaded this happy land, and a river divided into four streams spread fertility there. This beautiful garden was as the throne where God would cause the king of the creation to sit.

In the same way when Jesus Christ willed that the heart of the faithful should become His own throne, He was pleased to embellish it. All the Christian virtues are exquisite plants which bloom on the soil of our soul; and which, watered by the stream of grace, produce celestial fruit. This is the dwelling which pleases Jesus Christ. Neither gold nor diamond can form a substitute, in His eyes, for the holy ornaments of virtue.

O how the Eucharist loves the pure soul! It is to it that It reveals Itself through the shadows of the mysteries. O how the Eucharist loves the simple soul! It converses more familiarly with it! O how the Eucharist loves the gentle and humble soul! This resembles It more than all. O how the Eucharist loves the charitable soul! because It is Itself all love! There is not a virtue that the Eucharist does not seek in us, in order to repose Itself there with greater delight! It says to the faithful soul these words of the holy Canticles: "Stay me up with flowers; compass me about with fruits." (Canticles ii. 5.) By the flowers of your virtues and by the fruits of your works.

"Stay me, sustain me!"

I said, O Christian soul, that virtue was not only an ornament, but a force. The soul must be very strong if it would properly receive Jesus Christ. Understand this thought well, I pray you.

The God of the tabernacle is the jealous God of whom our sacred writings speak.
If He has chosen our heart for His throne, it is on condition that He shall reign alone there. He suffers no rival. Now His most cruel enemy, that which works at all times to usurp His rights, is sin. Not only, then, have the Christian virtues for their object the adorning of the dwelling-place of the King of heaven, they must also defend it against the assaults of sin; they must close the gate before the enemy; they must be as a hedge to guard the Eucharistic Vine. But is it not that, O Christian soul, which the solid virtues work in us? Chastity watches over our senses; humility preserves our mind; charity, gentleness, patience, form a guard around our heart. This is an impenetrable hedge: this is an invincible rampart!
O faithful soul, who receivest Jesus Christ, strengthen His throne with your flowers; maintain His rights with your fruit.