Tuesday 4 October 2016



But if the Holy Eucharist is, with respect to each of us, the most certain way of keeping the commandments, can we be surprised that the Lord has added to the number of His precepts the obligation of receiving It worthily ?
Hardly has the child attained the age when his mind, becoming more developed, can understand the divine instruction, when his heart, more enlarged, begins to expand towards God, than the Eucharist is presented to him, and the day when he communicates for the first time becomes to him the commencement of a Christian life, more personal and more serious. He renews then the vows which he made in baptism, and he promises then with his own mouth to observe faithfully from thenceforth all the holy precepts of the Gospel. However, this first impetus given to his young soul would quickly subside if fresh communions did not soon come to revive his courage. He must every year, at the least, at the Paschal Festival, again sit down at the Divine Banquet. This annual communion, you know, is the command laid upon all. But does it suffice, 0 Christian soul? and when, just now, I was speaking to you of the wonderful effect of the Holy Eucharist on the keeping of the commandments, was I contemplating an annual communion ?

Take counsel here with yourself. I said that in order rightly to obey the divine commands, the Eucharist was necessary to you. See if one single communion every year can suffice for this great object; see if it can suffice for all the duties "which you have to fulfil; for all the temptations which assail you; for all the trials which Providence sends you; for every virtue which you must acquire; for every fault which you must correct.

There is no proportion evidently between the means and the end. Experience also is here plainly in accordance with my teaching. Apart from very rare cases, and which form only exceptions, I very much doubt "if an annual communion ever sanctified any one; whereas I see frequent communions produce in numerous souls wonderful effects, making their piety more real, their love more burning, their conscience more tender, their life, in fact, more perfect and more holy.

Henceforth, 0 Christian soul, you will take care to communicate frequently. But what rule shall I give you on this point ? According to the counsel of a wise director, I advise you to consult especially the duties which are imposed upon you, the perils which surround you, the inclinations which draw you; the precepts, obedience to which frightens you. Believe me, it will be neither by weeks nor by days that you will regulate your communions, buf by yourself.

The Church calls a soul which communicates a soul which practises.

This expression is very just. The practice of the Eucharist guarantees all the rest. If you would practise your duties, practise the communion.