Wednesday, 15 February 2017

The Catholic Doctrine Of The Eucharist. Part 35.


ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM —"Elias left his garment to his disciples; but The Son of God left us his own flesh. The prophet indeed threw off his covering, but Christ ascending took with him his body and left it also for us."— (Homil. 2, ad Pop. Ant lock, T. 1, p. 37.) " Let us then touch the hem of his garment, rather let us, if we be so disposed, possess him entire. For his body now lies before us, not to be touched only, but to be eaten, and to satiate us."— (Homil. 51, in cap. xiv. Mat. T. 7, p. 553.)

"Let us believe God in every thing, and not gainsay him, although what is said may seem contrary to our reason and our sight. Let his word overpower both. Holding fast his words; for his words cannot deceive; but our sense is very easily deceived. That never failed; this often. Since then his word says: This is my body; let us assent and believe, and view it with the eyes of our understanding."— (Homil. 83, in Mat. T. 7, p. 868.)

"This body lying in the manger, the wise men reverenced. Thou dost not see him in the manger, but on the altar—nor dost thou only see him, but moreover thou touchest him, nay, thou eatest him, and returnest home with him in thy breast.—Cleanse then thy soul from all defilement, and prepare thyself to receive these mysteries."— (Hom. 24, in I Cor. T. 10, p. 261.)